Conditions of the Marriage visa are that you should be legally married and must be over the age of 18 years. 

Conditions of a UK Dependency Visa

Dependents entering the UK must abide by certain conditions to gain entry clearance. The following conditions have been stipulated by UK immigration:

Evidence of relationship with the UK resident they wish to stay with
Evidence that the sponsor can support them financially without recourse to any public funds
Substantial confirmation that the applicant has the consent from their sponsor to stay with them in the UK
An original copy of the sponsor’s work permit and other supporting documents if the candidate is applying before the sponsor’s travel to the UK

Who would qualify as a dependent?

In most cases a dependent is considered to be the children and partner of the main applicant. A partner is considered as one of the following:

Unmarried partner
Same-gender partner
Civil partner

Children dependents would generally be considered as individuals under the age of 18 who are solely dependent on their sponsor both financially and emotionally. UK immigration may refuse UK entry to children below the age of 18 who appear to have formed an adult life.

If the dependent is the visa holder’s parent, the responsibility for applications falls to the visa holder (Conditions of the Marriage Visa). They must prove that their parent/s is solely dependent on them for all their financial and emotional needs or be able to prove that the parent/s would suffer without them.

Contact our team of expert immigration solicitors to find out the conditions of the marriage visa.

Our immigration solicitors in London firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), and our firm SRA number is 525498. If you do not feel satisfied with our services, then you can contact the legal ombudsman.

We have an office in West London (Immigration Solicitors in Southall).

Why Choose Asher & Tomar Solicitors (Conditions of the Marriage Visa):

a) Our expert immigration solicitors have an experience of over 16 years.

b) Our expert immigration solicitors in London have dealt with numerous marriage visa applications.

c) We ensure to be cost-effective.

d) Our immigration solicitors in Southall aim to deliver the best outcome for your immigration matter.

e) Our immigration solicitors in Southall act in the best interest of the clients.

Should you wish to obtain any guidance or assistance with regards to the conditions of the marriage visa, then please do not hesitate to contact us; however, we please request you to kindly read our reviews before you contact us. The UK marriage visa is quite popular, as your spouse can enter the UK on a marriage visa (Conditions of the Marriage Visa) and will have a right to work full time, as well as, at the same time, establish a business. Please note if you do not fulfill the conditions of the marriage visa, then the entry clearance officer (ECO) acting on behalf of the Home Office will refuse your application, but under the evidential flexibility clause, a case worker must ask for the additional documentation, and even though the application will be refused, you will be granted the right of appeal.

Please note the oral appeal tribunal fee will be 140 pounds, whilst the paper appeal will cost you 80 pounds. Though the immigration appeal process is a time-consuming process, the chances of success are quite high. If you are out of the country, then the appeal will be listed to be heard remotely. Once the appeal is heard, then the learned immigration judge will determine the immigration appeal mostly within 14 days and will send you the determination via email.

Appeal Process (Conditions of the Marriage Visa):

a) Drafting grounds of appeal

b) Witness statement of the appellant or of any witness

c) Index to bundle

d) Appeal skeleton arguments