If you’re a UK employer who hires skilled workers (Sponsor Licence Renewal) from outside the country, you need a sponsor licence. This licence allows you to continue employing foreign workers legally. But like any licence, it needs to be renewed when it expires.

1. Check Your Eligibility:

  • Make sure your organization still meets the requirements for a sponsor licence.
  • You must be a legitimate business, genuinely needing foreign workers, and capable of following immigration rules.

2. Timing Is Important:

  • Start the renewal process at least three months before your current licence expires.

3. Gather Your Documents:

  • Collect all the necessary documents for your renewal application.
  • This includes financial records and HR documents that show you can fulfill your sponsorship duties.

4. Update Your Information:

  • Keep your organization’s details up to date on the Sponsor Management System (SMS), the online platform for managing sponsorships.

5. Pay the Fee:

  • Pay the required fee for the renewal application. The amount can vary based on your organization’s type and size.

6. Submit Your Application:

  • Complete your renewal application online through the SMS.
  • Double-check that all the information is accurate and current.

7. Compliance Check:

  • The Home Office may visit your organization to ensure you’re following immigration rules.

8. Wait for a Decision:

  • The Home Office will review your application and conduct checks.
  • They will then inform you of their decision in writing.

9. Get Your New Licence:

  • If your renewal is approved, you’ll receive a new sponsor licence certificate.
  • Replace your old certificate with the new one and update your staff.

10. Stay Compliant:

  • After renewal, continue to meet your sponsorship duties.
  • Keep records and report any changes to the Home Office.

Remember that rules can change, so check the latest guidance from the UK Home Office when you apply for renewal. If needed, seek advice from an immigration expert to ensure a smooth process and ongoing compliance.

Our firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Contact our team of expert Immigration Solicitors if you are looking for Sponsor Licence Renewal.