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Damages Compensation Claim Against Home Office UKVI

Damages Compensation Claim Against Home Office UKVI, if they have unlawfully detained you. 

You must be able to provide us your statement and evidence of the same.

Damages Compensation Claim Against Home Office UKVI an Overview:

It is obvious and covered by the Immigration Laws that whoever is living in the United Kingdom illegally and encountered by the Immigration authorities Home Office/UKVI must be either served with the removal direction or deportation order and can be detained by the Home Office/UKVI, but the caseworker must enforce the removal or deportation in a reasonable time, and to be honest, their is no specific definition of a reasonable time. 

But it is a fundamental right of a person to be released from the detention on bail. 

In a lading case of R. (Hardial Singh) v. Governor of Durham Prison, it is laid whether to maintain immigration detention is as per the laws:

a) A person can be detained under immigration powers for the purpose of preventing their unauthorised entry or with a view to their removal, however, detention for other purposes is not compatible with Article 5 and would be unlawful. 

b) The relevant power to detain must only be used for the specific purpose, but if it is for other purposes, where it is not for the purposes, it is not compatible with Article 5 and would be unlawful. 

c) If, before the expiry of the reasonable period, it becomes apparent that the purpose of the power cannot be effected within that reasonable period, then the power to detain should be exercised. 

d) The Home Office/UKVI must fill out a detention case progression review (DCPR) form to provide an accurate factual summary and history and current circumstances of an individual who is held under immigration detention powers. 

The detention case progression review (DCPR) form is used to demonstrate that the Home Office/UKVI has conducted a proper review process as per the principles laid out in the Hardial Singh case. 

Adult at Risk in Detention Policy (AAR) (Damages Compensation Claim Against Home Office UKVI):

The adult at risk in detention policy clearly states that certain categories of people are naturally more at risk of harm within immigration detention due to their physical state, mental health, or past experiences, and these people should be detained only when the evidence of vulnerability is outweighed by the immigration consideration. The medical assessment of a detainee on a regular basis must be conducted by a doctor and provide a report of the same to the case-working team of the Home Office/UKVI. 

Why Choose Asher & Tomar Solicitors to pursue Damages Compensation Claim Against Home Office UKVI

a) Act in the best interest of the clients.

b) Our Immigration solicitor in London (Solicitors in Southall) have dealt with many claims 

c) Our immigration solicitors in Southall charge a substantial amount of fee, and our fee structure is transparent. 

d) You can contact our immigration solicitor in Southall via email or phone, and we endeavour to respond to you within 24 hours. 

e) Our immigration solicitors in London (solicitors in Southall) aim to deliver the best outcome of your complicated matter and endeavour to achieve your goal.

f) Immigration solicitors in London (solicitors in Southall) with over 16 years of experience. 

Our firm of solicitors in Southall is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

So should you wish to pursue a damages compensation claim against Home Office UKVI, then contact our expert immigration solicitors in Southall; however, prior to that, please read our reviews. 

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