The Appendix Private Life was brought into the immigration rules in March 2022. The new rules replace paragraph 276 ADE of the Immigration Rules. Any application made based on private Life on or after 20th June 2022, will be considered under the new Appendix Private Life.    

Private life route for leave to remain and indefinite leave to remain stands unchanged.  

The applications for Leave to remain, or permission to stay under the private life route are based on:  

  1. children under 18;  
  2. young adults aged 18 to under 25 who meet the half-life test;  
  3. adults aged 18 or over, who do not qualify as young adults;  
  4. Those are relying on Article 8 of the ECHR.

Young Adults – Indefinite Leave to Remain 

  • The applicant must have had permission to stay in the UK under the old rules paragraph 276 ADE as they were between 18 to 25 years and spent half or more than half of their life in the UK; or 
  • The applicant has been granted leave to remain under Appendix Private life because they were between 18 to 25 years and spent half or more than half of their life in the UK 

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