UK Family Law

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If you are facing/suffering abuse you could try to gain some protection from your abuser through the courts by applying for injunction or protection order.

You need to make an urgent injunction application to the Court. The application form to be filled in for the injunction is N16A General Form of application for Injunction.

Who is eligible to apply for an injunction?

  1. a) You are or have been married to each other.
  2. b) You are have been in a civil partnership with each other.
  3. c) You are cohabitants or former cohabitants (including same sex couples).
  4. d) You live or have lived in the same household.
  5. e) You are relatives.
  6. f) Although not living together, you are in “intimate relationship of significant duration”
  7. g) You are both involved in the same family proceedings.

Why Choose Asher & Tomar Solicitors:
Our team of expert Family Solicitors based in London and Cardiff can advise and represent you at the court to obtain an occupation order for you. 

Our expert Family Law Solicitors will endeavour to deliver the best outcome of your complex matter, and have dealt with numerous occupation order applications in the past.

Enquiry Form

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