In country Immigration Appeals, if your human rights application based on private and family life is refused then you will be granted an in-country right of appeal under section 82 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.
Scenarios where you will be granted in-country right of Appeal:
a) Human Rights Claim is refused
b) Refusal of a protection claim
c) Revocation of a protection claim

You can appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal if your visa is refused. When you lodge an appeal you should attach the notice of refusal (home office refusal letter), Grounds of Appeal, fill in the card details, and duly and carefully fill the IAFT appeal form.

The fee to proceed with a paper appeal is £80.00, whereas for an Oral hearing it is £140.00

Process of In country Immigration Appeals:

a) Lodge an appeal

b) Preparation of Index to Bundle

c) Drafting a Witness Statement

d) Index to bundle should include, witness statement and documentary evidence on which you will be relying.

e) Court hearing at the First-tier Tribunal

f) Examination, cross-examination, and re-examination.

Why Choose Asher & Tomar Solicitors:

Our team of expert Immigration Solicitors based in London and Cardiff can advise and represent your complex immigration matter (In the country right of appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal) at every stage from the home office, immigration tribunals, upper tribunal field house, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Our expert Immigration Solicitors will endeavour to deliver the best outcome of your complex immigration matter and have dealt with numerous refusals within the United Kingdom. Our Immigration solicitors are serving you since 2008.

Our Solicitors firm is regulated by the Solicitor Regulation Authority (SRA).

Our team of expert Immigration Solicitors represents your Immigration appeal all over England and Wales, such a Newport, Feltham, Birmingham, Stoke on Trent, and so on.

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