An application for Emergency Injunction to Stop Removal From The UK can be filed at the Queens Bench division, it is mostly out of hours.

If you have been served with the Deportation or Removal Order without a right of appeal then you can apply for Judicial Review.

Mainly the main need for interim relief is normally associated with deportations or removals that are ‘chartered’. This means that the Home Office have arranged a specific flight for individuals of the same nationality to return on one flight.

Due to changes in immigration laws introduced in 2014, removals can sometimes be served upon an Applicant at short notice. It can follow the refusal of an application where there is only an out of country or when an individual has been detained and has no pending applications with the Home Office. Applications for interim relief can be made in one of two ways.

You need to submit an urgent application with the clerk of the Queens bench division of Judicial review with your grounds and must provide the number of the Barrister who will proceed with the hearing. The hearing will be listed to be heard on telephone and once the Judge will be satisfied then an Order will be made to defer your deportation/removal directions.

So contact our firm of leading Immigration Solicitors in London if you Emergency Injunction to Stop Removal From The UK.

Our firm is Regulated by the Solicitors Regulated Authority (SRA), and our office is based in West London i.e. Southall. Our team of expert Immigration Solicitors in Southall have dealt with numerous application of Emergency Injunction to Stop Removal From The UK.

So, should you wish then do not hesitate to contact our team of Immigration Solicitors in London who have been serving you since 2008.