Dependent visa under Settlement Category of the UK Immigration System– How the system works?
Under the dependent immigration (Dependent visa under Settlement Category) scheme, an applicant would be eligible to stay permanently in the UK as a dependent relative of a permanent resident of the UK. Applicants should note that this section of the immigration process solely applies to parents, grandparents or other dependent relatives. These dependents are entitled to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, provided they follow all the protocols as enlisted by the immigration authorities.
Candidates eligible for Dependent Immigration
Other than partners and minors (children below 18), the UKBA has shortlisted the following candidates who can apply for permission to join a settled relative in the UK.
- Travelling grandparents or parents, if one of them is aged 65 years and above
- Widowed mother or father aged 65 years and above
- A parent or grandparent aged 65 years and above, who has been remarried and cannot rely on children from second marriage for financial support
- The settled party is willing to accept a parent, grandparent and child of the second marriage as a dependent relative
- Any parent or grandparent who is under 65 years of age and is heavily dependent financially and emotionally on the permanent UK resident
- Sister, brother, son, daughter, uncle and aunt above the age of 18 would be deemed fit for dependendent immigration under the most exceptional and compassionate of circumstances. A case being wherein they are solely dependent for financial support upon relatives settled in the UK.
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Should you wish to obtain or willing to instruct a solicitors to represent your dependents under then feel free to contact our firm of expert Immigration Solicitors in Southall and Immigration Solicitors in London.