Qualification (tire 1 visa)
The tire 1 visa has essentially replaced the Highly Skilled Migrant Program and has a similar application process. Available for highly skilled professionals, this visa applicant does not need to obtain sponsorship from an employer in the UK in order to enter the country. Depending on the tier 1 category that the candidate has applied for, applicant will be permitted to work and live in the UK, make investments, establish a business or be self employed.
An important category of the tier 1 points based assessment is the educational qualifications the candidate holds. The applicant is allotted certain points based on the level of their qualification. The following points are awarded for the respective level of education by UKBA:
Bachelor’s degree = 30 points
Master’s degree = 35 points
PhD = 45 points
UK immigration experts can usually guide applicants to maximize their score under the point based system and can even help applicants to get any bonus points that may be available to them. For example, the applicant may be eligible for 5 additional points if they have completed their degree course from an accredited educational organization in the UK, on a full time basis and the course lasted for one complete year.
Once the applicant acquires the required points through the various categories, they will be entitled to live in the UK for a specified period of time. The visa can be extended provided the application for extension meets all the requirements after this time.