Settlement or SET(O) entitles a person to apply for permission to settle in the UK (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’).

Please do not send your application more than 28 days before the end of your qualifying period. If you do, then the Secretary of State (UK Border Agency) we may refuse your application with no refund of the fee. However, you must apply before your current permission to stay in the UK ends.

You must be in the UK when you apply.

When you apply, you will need to show that you have a good knowledge of language and life in the UK, unless you are:

a) Under 18 years old; or

b) Aged 65 and over; or

c) A bereaved partner;

d) A former member of HM forces, or the husband or wife of a former member of HM forces; or

e) A highly skilled migrant who applied to the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme before 7 November 2006 and came to the UK on the basis of that application.

SET (O) form should be used to apply for the settlement in the United Kingdom and dependents can be included with the same application, please be advised that Indefinite Leave to Remain will not be granted on a passport any more as the bio-metric card will be issued.

Section 9 of form SET(O) lists the documents that you must send with your application. You should send the original documents, not copies.

Form SET(O) must be used if you are applying for 
indefinite leave to remain in one of the following categories or routes:
–  work permit holder
–  employment not requiring a work permit
–  businessperson
–  innovator
–  investor
–  highly skilled migrant
–  highly skilled migrant under the terms of the HSMP indefinite leave to remain (ILR) judicial review policy    
–  self-employed lawyer
–  writer, composer or artist
– Tier 1 (General) migrant
– Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant
– Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant accelerated route
– Tier 1 (Investor) migrant
– Tier 2 migrant
– UK ancestry
–  UK ancestry
– Ex-HM forces
– Long residence in the UK
– Bereaved partner
–   other purposes/reasons not covered by other   
Applications forms, you and any dependents applying with you must be in the UK to apply
You must not use this form to make Asylum or Similar Claims;
You must not use this form
–  to make an application for asylum or international protection (this includes an application for                   
   humanitarian protection or an Article 3 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) application     
   made on protection grounds). or
–  to make further submissions on asylum or human rights grounds after the refusal or withdrawal of an 
   earlier asylum or human rights claim.
To qualify for indefinite leave to remain in the categories of the Immigration Rules for which you must use 
form SET(O), you must meet the requirements set out in the following parts of the Rules:
Part 5 work permit holder, highly skilled migrant*, 
employment not requiring a work permit,
UK ancestry
Part 6 businessperson, innovator, investor, and writer, composer or artist
Part 6A  Tier 1 migrant, Tier 2 migrant
Part 7    ex-HM Forces, long residence in the UK
Part 8    bereaved partner
The full Immigration Rules are on our website.
* If you applied successfully under the highly skilled migrant programme (HSMP) before 3 April 2006,
  your application for indefinite leave to remain will be considered under the terms of the HSMPindefinite     
  leave to remain (ILR) judicial review policy document. 
With the exception of the categories mentioned below, applicants aged 18-64 must also show that they have sufficient knowledge of the English language and life in the UK in order to qualify for indefinite leave to remain. 
See pages 6 and 7 of these guidance notes for more information about this.
Please be advised that you can use a
for professional and sympathetic advise contact our Immigration Solicitors based in London and Cardiff, call us now: 02088677737, 07873329697, 07877257326 & 07727255568