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A spouse is a partner in a marriagecivil uniondomestic partnership or common-law marriage.

UK Spouse Visa (Spouse Visa UK-Marriage Visa) Eligibility or Requirements

  1. a) Your spouse with settled status in the UK must be 18 years of age or over.
  1. b) Under the proposed changes Brits who want to marry a non-EU citizen will have to be earning at least £18,600 a year if they want to bring their spouse to live with them in the UK.  In cases where the foreign-born spouse has children, their British partner would have to earn £22,400 or more, plus £2,400 for each additional children.
  2. c) You andyour spousemust have met each other and you must be legally married
  3. d) You and your spousemust intend to live together on a permanent basis.

Evidence of Financial Requirements under Appendix FM

A1. To meet the financial requirement under paragraphs E-ECP.3.1., E-LTRP.3.1., E-ECC.2.1. and E-LTRC.2.1. of Appendix FM, the applicant must meet:

(a) The level of financial requirement applicable to the application under Appendix FM; and

(b) The requirements specified in Appendix FM and this Appendix as to:

(i) The permitted sources of income and savings;

(ii) The time periods and permitted combinations of sources applicable to each permitted source relied upon; and

(iii) The evidence required for each permitted source relied upon.

  1. In relation to evidencing the financial requirements in Appendix FMthe following general provisions shall apply:

(a) Bank statements must:

(i) be from a financial institution regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which that institution is operating.

(ii) not be from a financial institution on the list of excluded institutions in Appendix P of these rules.

(iii) in relation to personal bank statements be only in the name of:

(1) the applicant’s partner, the applicant or both as appropriate; or

(2) if the applicant is a child the applicant parent’s partner, the    applicant’s parent or both as appropriate; or

(3) if the applicant is an adult dependent relative, the applicant’s sponsor or the applicant, unless otherwise stated.

(iv) cover the period(s) specified.

(v) be:

(1) on official bank stationery; or

(2) electronic bank statements from an online account (defined as one that operates solely over the internet and sends bank statements to its customers electronically) which are either accompanied by a letter from the bank on its headed stationery confirming that the documents are authentic or which bear the official stamp of the issuing bank on every page.

(aa) Where a bank statement is specified in this Appendix, a building society statement, a building society pass book, a letter from the applicant’s bank or building society, or a letter from a financial institution regulated by the Financial Services Authority or, for overseas accounts, the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which the institution operates and the funds are located, may be submitted as an alternative to a bank statement(s) provided that:

(1) the requirements in paragraph 1(a)(i)-(iv) are met as if the document were a bank statement; and

(2) a building society pass book must clearly show:

(i) the account number;

(ii) the building society’s name and logo; and

(iii) the information required on transactions, funds held and time period(s) or as otherwise specified in this Appendix in relation to bank statements; and/or

(3) a letter must be on the headed stationery of the bank, building society or other financial institution and must clearly show:

(i) the account number,

(ii) the date of the letter;

(iii) the financial institution’s name and logo; and

(iv) the information required on transactions, funds held and time period(s) or as otherwise specified in this Appendix in relation to bank statements.

(b) Promises of third party support will not be accepted. Third party support will only be accepted in the form of:

(i) maintenance payments from a former partner of an applicant in relation to the applicant and former partner’s child or children or in relation to the applicant;

(ii) income from a dependent child who has turned 18, remains in the same UK household as the applicant and continues to be counted towards the financial requirement under Appendix FM;

(iii) gift of cash savings (whose source must be declared) evidenced at paragraph 1(a)(iii), provided that the cash savings have been held by the person or persons at paragraph 1(a)(iii) for at least 6 months prior to the date of application and are under their control; and

(iv) a maintenance grant or stipend associated with undergraduate study or postgraduate study or research.

(bb) Wage slips must be:

(i) on company-headed paper; or

(ii) stamped and signed by the employer; or

(iii) accompanied by a letter from the employer, on company-headed paper and signed by a senior manager, confirming that they are authentic.

(c) The employment income of an applicant will only be taken into account if they are in the UK, aged 18 years or over and working legally, and prospective employment income will not be taken into account (except that of an applicant’s partner or parent’s partner who is returning to employment or self-employment in the UK at paragraphs E-ECP.3.2.(a) and E-ECC.2.2.(a) of Appendix FM).

(d) All income and savings must be lawfully derived.

(e) Savings must be held in cash.

(f) Income or cash savings in a foreign currency will be converted to pounds sterling using the closing spot exchange rate which appears on* on the date of application.

(g) Where there is income or cash savings in different foreign currencies, each will be converted into pounds sterling before being added together, and then added to any UK income or savings to give a total amount.

(h) All documentary evidence must be original, unless otherwise stated.

(i) Evidence of profit from the sale of a business, property, investment, bond, stocks, shares or other asset will:

(i) not be accepted as evidence of income, but

(ii) the associated funds will be accepted as cash savings subject to the requirements of this Appendix and Appendix FM.

(j) Where a document is not in English or Welsh, the original must be accompanied by a certified translation by a professional translator. This translation must include details of the translator’s credentials and confirmation that it is an accurate translation of the original document. It must also be dated and include the original signature of the translator.

(k) Where the gross (pre-tax) amount of any income cannot be properly evidenced, the net (post-tax) amount will be counted, including towards a gross income requirement.

(l) Where this Appendix requires the applicant to provide specified evidence relating to a period which ends with the date of application, that evidence, or the most recently dated part of it, must be dated no earlier than 28 days before the date of application.

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