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To invite your family or friend to the UK on a visitor visa you need to forward them a UK Visa Sponsorship Letter.

What Should be Included in a Sponsorship Letter

a) Sponsors full name, address, and date of birth

b) Email and contact number of the sponsor

c) Sponsor’s Occupation

d) Sponsor’s monthly/annual gross income

e) Savings sponsor hold in his/her bank account

f) Applicants full name, address, and date of birth

g) Any specific reason for inviting an applicant to the UK

h) Applicant should state his/her visit’s plans, such as length of stay, accommodation, contact details, and how they will be able to maintain and financially support himself/herself.

Documents to be attached with the Sponsorship Letter

a) Passport copy of the Sponsor

b) Passport copy of the Applicant

c) Council tax bill of the Sponsor

d) Saving Account of the Sponsor

e) Payslips of the Sponsor

f) Bank statement of the applicant

g) Payslips of the Applicant

h) Income Tax Return documents of the applicant

UK Visa Process Time for Visit Visa

Generally, it may take up to a month after enrolling in your biometrics. The application is online and all the documents need to be uploaded online.

What service we will provide for UK Visa Sponsorship Letter

Honestly speaking it is not stated anywhere what to include in the UK visa sponsorship letter, however, as our Immigration solicitors have been drafting these letters since 2008, therefore they have in-depth knowledge of what to state in the Letter.

Our firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Please note that if your visit visa application is refused then you will not get a right of appeal and you can only challenge it by way of Judicial Review or you can submit a fresh application addressing the reasons for refusal.

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