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Immigration Advice For Judicial Review

By way of judicial review (immigration advice for judicial review) preceding we challenge the decision, rather than whether the decision or the conclusion reached is correct. The judicial review focuses more on whether the right procedure and law have been followed.

Difference between Judicial Review and Immigration appeals
An immigration appeal provides an immigration decision whereas the judicial review does not.

During Judicial review proceedings:

The judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. In other words, judicial reviews proceedings are a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made, rather than the rights and wrongs of the conclusion reached.

Cost of submitting Judicial Review (Immigration Advice for judicial Review) Applications?

To lodge a Judicial Review at the Upper Tribunal the court fee is £154. If it will be refused then you can apply to reconsider it by way of oral hearing and it will then cost £385.00 towards the court fee, however, you must serve a Pre-action Protocol if the proceedings are not urgent and the Judicial Review is not urgent, otherwise, it will not be accepted by the Upper Tribunal.
So, if your visa is refused without a right of appeal then you can certainly challenge it by way of Judicial Review Proceedings (free immigration advice for judicial review).

Our firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and our team of expert Immigration Solicitors are serving you since 2008, therefore we request you to kindly read our reviews before you contact us.

Our aim is your satisfaction and success, however, the outcome of the case is based on your own evidence and documentary evidence. The code of conduct of practice does not authorise us to assure or guarantee the outcome of your Immigration Matter. Feel Free to contact our Immigration expert solicitor.

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