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Entrepreneur Visa Appeals

Asher & Tomar solicitors is proud to announce that until today our immigration solicitors have represented many Tier  1 Entrepreneur visa Appeals  and we are proud that most of our clients Entrepreneur visa Appeal have been allowd by the Immigration Tribunal. A few days ago we received the Tribunal decision in another Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa Appeal allowing our client’s Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Appeal. Our client’s Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Appeal was allowed by the Tribunal by finding the Home Office “failed to follow the requirement of Para 245AA and the [flexibility policy. We successfully argue that the recent Court of Appeal case of SSHD –and-Rodriguez [2014] EWCA Civ 2 is not applicable to our client Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa Appeal as the Court of Appeal case is regarding the appellant failure to submit bank statements with the Application for maintenance under Appendix A while most of our clients Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa Appeal are relating to the Home Office failure to contact our clients when there are some missing information from our clients’ Tier 1 Entrepreneur Applications therefore we argued that our client Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa Appeal have been refused unlawfully.

We believe there are a lot of hard days ahead for the Home Office by not dealing with the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Applications properly. The Tribunal agreed with our argument that the Home Office has failed to follow it’s own flexibility policy and the guidelines of Rodriguez (Flexibility Policy) [2013] UKUT 00042 (IAC) and para 245AA of the Immigration Rules. The Tribunal also agreed with our argument that Home Office has breached the Public Law Principal by failing to follow it’s own policy and by failing to write to the Applicants that  specifid documents under para 41-SD, for example,  contract, bank letter, marketing material etc were not complying with the Immigration Rules.

We are a London based Immigration specialist Solicitors but we provide our services to clients all over the UK including London and Cardiff. We are increasingly hearing from our clients that their UK Visa has been refused by the Home Office. Especially now there is a huge surge in the refusal of Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa applications and hence appeal against such refusals of Tier 1 Entrepreneur applications.

Our expert immigration solicitors can assist you with your immigration appeal. Most of the time Home Office refuses the visa application on the grounds that can easily be challenged in an appeal to either an Immigration Tribunal or the High Court in a JR Claim. We can assist you with your appeal in all categories, like Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-4 Spouse and settlement visas etc.

Example: Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Application Refusals……

Unfortunately, some clients, and understandably so, choose to prepare their tier 1 entrepreneur visa application either themselves or with the help of friends. As the rules and requirements for tier 1 entrepreneur visa application are complex and extensive, despite succeeding to establish access to the required funds, some time the applicant fails to comply with crucial requirements, for example:

The above are some examples taken from recent Entrepreneur refusal cases that we are dealing with in the appeals. The Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa refusal have been challenged in appeals before the Immigration Tribunals.

If your tier 1 Entrepreneur visa application has been refused, there is no need to panic as our expert Immigration Solicitors are here to help and provide you with the advice and support you need in preparing and filing of your tier 1 entrepreneur visa appeal.

Our expert solicitors will not only prepare your Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa appeal but will also represent your case before the Judge at the Immigration tribunals.

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