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3 Ways to remove a CCJ

If you have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) registered against you, there are several avenues (3 Ways to Remove a CCJ) to potentially remove it:

  1. Payment within One Month: One method to remove a CCJ is by paying the amount stated within the judgment within one month of its issuance.
  2. Consent Order Application: Another option is to apply to the court for a consent order, where both parties agree to set aside the CCJ. This approach requires mutual consent and is facilitated through legal proceedings.
  3. Automatic Removal after Six Years: Alternatively, a CCJ will automatically be removed from your credit file after six years, provided the debt has been fully satisfied within this period.

The presence of a county court judgment can have significant negative impacts.

  1. Credit Card Eligibility: It may restrict your ability to obtain a credit card.
  2. Mortgage Applications: You might face challenges in securing a mortgage.
  3. Loan Accessibility: Accessing loans could become difficult.
  4. Professional Opportunities: Certain professional roles that require financial reliability may be inaccessible.

In some cases, the court may decline to set aside a CCJ. If you are not liable for the debt, you have the option to request the court cancel a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or High Court Judgment. This legal process is referred to as having the judgment ‘set aside’.

You can also pursue this course of action if you did not receive or did not respond to the initial court claim asserting that you owed the debt.

underscoring the importance of seeking professional advice from experts in such matters.

Why Choose Asher & Tomar Solicitors (3 Ways to Remove a CCJ)?

Our solicitors firm has successfully handled numerous cases involving the removal of county court judgments (CCJs). We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and are based in West London (Southall). We specialize in navigating the complexities of CCJ removal (3 Ways to remove a CCJ) through diligent legal processes, including negotiating consent orders and providing strategic advice tailored to individual circumstances.

This approach not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also aims to alleviate the financial and professional constraints that may arise from a county court judgment, so to find out 3 Ways to remove a CCJ contact us immediately.

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